How we helped Ashley from Smash Cactus Media close over $70,000
in new deals
How we helped Ashley from Smash Cactus Media close over $70,000
in new deals
New Closed Revenue
Annualised Revenue
Booked Meetings
Booked Meetings
12 Months+
Time Frame
Time Frame
12 Months+
Some Of The Businesses We Have Booked
Some Of The Businesses
We Have Booked
working with us
working with us
DojoLaunch found themselves struggling to scale because they lack a structured aDojoLaunch found themselves struggling to scale because they lack a structured approach to contacting prospects and reliably scheduling calls. They also sold low ticket deals due to the lack of offer market fit.pproach to contacting prospects and reliably scheduling calls. They also sold low ticket deals due to the lack of offer market fit.
Smash Cactus had been burned by several underperforming agencies prior to working with us and were hesitant to move forward. After seeing our results and workflow founder Ashley decided it was worth a shot as current lead generation methods were producing results.
Smash Cactus had been burned by several underperforming agencies prior to working with us and were hesitant to move forward. After seeing our results and workflow founder Ashley decided it was worth a shot as current lead generation methods were producing results.
working with us
working with us
DojoLaunch found themselves struggling to scale because they lack a structured aDojoLaunch found themselves struggling to scale because they lack a structured approach to contacting prospects and reliably scheduling calls. They also sold low ticket deals due to the lack of offer market fit.pproach to contacting prospects and reliably scheduling calls. They also sold low ticket deals due to the lack of offer market fit.
After struggling to generate pipeline we hit the ground running and started to generate consistent results for Smash Cactus. During our engagement we sent 10,000 of cold emails to key decision makers in E-commerce companies, generating 100+ meetings and $70,000 in new revenue.
After struggling to generate pipeline we hit the ground running and started to generate consistent results for Smash Cactus. During our engagement we sent 10,000 of cold emails to key decision makers in E-commerce companies, generating 100+ meetings and $70,000 in new revenue.
More case studies
case studies
Booking calls with billion dollar companies like byte dance using an outbound marketing system
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How we helped Saulderson Media close over $160,000
Taking them from $21,000/month in January to over $82,000/month by August
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How we helped DojoLaunch add over $800,000 in 6 months
Booking 30+ calls a month with qualified prospects
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How we helped Unlimited Viral Ideas close $62,000 in one month
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How do you guarantee results:
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How do you work?
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How do you charge?
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How do you guarantee results:
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How do you work?
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More Case Studies
Oscar Gracie
$192,000 collected in just
1 month.
Adding 4 high ticket clients in the first
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$25,000 of new closed
Suhit Amin
60+ Calls booked with billion dollar
companies like Scopely ($4 Billion)
$70,000 in new closed
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Booking over 100+ qualified
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Ashley Wright
What Our Partners
Are Saying
Predictable Scale
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A Full Pipeline
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